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Writer's pictureDr. Edna Jones Miller


I was irritated and felt so uninspired. Typically, I try to share Wisdom Reads through the Wealth in Wisdom blog on Wednesdays...but I just didn’t feel like writing this week. Being inundated by the influx of information from the media and all that is wrong in the world can make almost anyone feel enraged!

Yet, I write.

In a raw and vulnerable moment in which I hurt for our country and our people, I feel in my heart and hear in my soul the need to just...keep...writing! Though my thoughts are rushing fast, and the words are coming much slower today, my assignment still remains...and so does yours.

If you’ve been reading my blogs, you know by now that 1) this blog is probably the shortest that you’ve read thus far! and 2) my assignment is to encourage you to thrive despite your circumstances while you do the work to change your circumstances. It is to remind you about the control you have over your thought life, the power in your tongue, and authority in your spirit to live an abundant life of personal wholeness and total well-being.

Today is one of those days when I pause to remind you (and me) that in the midst of it all, just...keep...going! You will soon glean the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to use your gifted hands and mind to change what is into what things are meant to be so that you...we...can live richly every day.

*Prayers, peace, blessings, and justice to the family of Mr. Daunte Wright.


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