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Writer's pictureDr. Edna Jones Miller


Most of us know that salt adds flavor to our foods, but there are a variety of other qualities that allow us to put this element to good use. From balancing fluid in our blood to supporting our nerve and muscle functions, salt is a versatile ingredient that -- when used properly -- can contribute to our overall health. On the other hand, salt can be abused. When too much is used or ingested, it can have a corrosive effect on its contents, including your body!

One of my favorite attributes of salt is its role as a healing agent. According to, salt can help heal all types of ailments from canker sores and a runny nose to heartburn and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

Likewise, you have been described as the “salt of the earth” (Matt. 5:13). You were created to be a healing agent who adds “flavor” and “nutritional value” to the earth (your surroundings), leaving an environment better than you found it. So, how is it possible to offer what you don’t know you have?? How can you operate as a healing agent when you are wounded yourself? Might I suggest that you start by focusing on the inside before the outside? One of the biggest mistakes that we make is spending too much time perfecting the “outer self” to ensure that we look the part to others. I absolutely hate when I do this (yep, me too!) and I’ve worked exceptionally hard to recognize this at play in my own life! Don't disregard the work that you need to do to heal your own internal wounds or insecurities because you’re worried about what others will think or say.

At some point, you’ve just gotta let “it” go! Shift your focus from them to YOU! The first step to real transformation is emphatically focusing on your thought life. And yes...your thoughts can have lives of their own and you know this just as much as I do! Lol! Have you taken time lately to ponder on your thought patterns and how those thoughts make you feel? Have you figured out how you were thinking about conquering the next task on your to-do-list, only to end up sad or angry about something that happened weeks ago? (Side note: Uh...please stop replaying that conversation over and over again in your head thinking about what you should have said!) This happens when your thoughts go “unchecked.” So, now what?

YOU have more control than you may allow yourself to exert. You control your thoughts and behavior, and what you do (or don’t do) will have a significant impact on your outcome. Interestingly enough, your healing will come from within you. (I sometimes bothers me too when people say stuff like this. It sounds like such a cliche' -- but it’s true! Lol) Like salt, which also has the ability to cleanse or purify, you are the "salt of the earth" and the answer/healing/breakthrough/fill in the blank that you seek is already on the inside. The key is that you’ve got to do the work to discover it on your path to live richly every day.


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