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Writer's pictureDr. Edna Jones Miller


Hey, hey! It’s been a while! Next week will be nearly two months since I’ve written a blog, and I’ve missed you! I was determined to pause and post in the month of October, and here I am with one day left! LOL After nearly a year and half of working from home, I returned to an onsite work environment, and it’s been quite an adjustment. I’m not excited about the 8-10 hours of commute time per week that I’ve added back to my schedule, and I can’t quite seem to cook as much during the week anymore, but I’m thriving! :-) I’m sure you can attest to this (or something similar)!!

So, what have you been up to? How have you been adjusting to the worldwide “new normal” in -- what I hope will soon become -- the post-COVID world? Gosh! At one point, it seemed like the impact of COVID was helping folks to become more aware of and intentional about who and what’s important in life, and now we’re still fighting about whether or not to wear masks in public spaces! So, my friend, I ask...where is your peace? If you don’t have it, why is that? And, I’m sure you’re probably wondering about what you can do to get it back. Well, I’m glad you asked!

I was thinking about The God of Peace and the peace of God (which, in my opinion, are two different concepts). The way I see it, Jesus is the sovereign Lord who is peace, and He liberally gives that peace to us. So, here’s a suggestion on where to start: Ask, seek, and knock (A.S.K.).

Ask → Matthew 7:7 says: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Prayer is a beautiful thing. It’s simply a communication tool to talk to your heavenly Dad. He’s interested in what you have to say, He cares about the things that you care about, and He’s ready to respond to meet your needs. So, just ask.

Seek → Seek peace. Be intentional about creating a tranquil environment that is conducive to calming your mind. I heard someone say that, “Worry is fear-based meditation.” This is why you’ve been instructed to worry about nothing, and pray about everything (Philippians 4:6-7).

Knock → When you knock, you’ve typically reached your intended destination, and you’re asking for permission to enter. Have you identified the place where you need to be (or the thing that you need) that will contribute to your peace? What are you doing to acquire it? Who have you asked to help you (i.e. a counselor, friend, pastor, etc.)? Are you knocking on the wrong door? (clears throat...minding my own business…lol)

When you ask the Peace Giver to give you peace and believe (by faith) that you will receive what you asked for, you will receive it. Do you remember when Jesus was on the boat with his disciples and a great storm came (Mark 4:35-39)?

Most who know this story focus on the fact that Jesus was asleep during the storm, which is significant. But, did you ever notice that other boats that had followed Jesus’s boat were in the storm too? This means that when Jesus said, “Peace, be still” and calmed the waters, His command for peace met the needs of both the disciples AND those around them! How might your peace cause a rippling effect to positively impact your relationships, family, and those you love who need and want peace just as much as you do?

Exercising your faith can be frustrating because you don’t know when you’ll receive what you requested. But, it will come if you continue to ask, seek, and knock on your journey to live richly every day.

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