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Writer's pictureDr. Edna Jones Miller

Angry Prayers

Although she’s gone, my siblings and I still laugh incessantly at my mom about her animated and theatrical approach to prayer. She HATED the devil and called it/him/"whateva” almost every name you could think of (keep it clean, though! lol). One of my favorites and most hilarious was, “You lying demon! You don’t like me, and I don’t like you!” (I’m chuckling about it right now! lol) The way she prayed, you would think that she was so angry and in a fight with someone...and she was!

My mom was a prayer warrior -- in the literal sense of the term. I don’t mean someone who simply prayed as if she was in a peaceful garden basking in the wind. She fought in a spiritual boxing ring with her words. There’s a scripture in the Bible that says, “The Kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Well, she was determined to “beat the devil down”, and she lived and modeled this scripture through prayer. She was very clear about the purpose and power of prayer and our ability to conquer a natural circumstance with a spiritual weapon (prayer).

This is how my mom "beat down" in prayer! LOL

Here’s the critical thing to understand: You are not in conflict with the person or thing -- wayward child, disconnected spouse, aggravating colleague, debilitating illness, etc. Rather, you’re at odds with the spirit that’s operating through that person or thing and the most effective way to win the battle is through prayer.

Wealth in Wisdom is about personal wholeness and total well-being in every area of your life which all starts in your mind. As the saying goes, “If you change your thinking, you change your life.” Prayer is the most essential tool that will help you to gain clarity in your mind and recalibrate your thinking. Here are a few prayer strategies:

  1. Retrain your brain. Have a healthy sense of who you are and be confident that God hears you AND that He will respond to you.

  2. Be clear about the authority that God has given you to live an abundant life -- by what you speak and what you do.

  3. Get in the presence of God (pray) and do what he told you to do. (Pastor Canton Jones)

You don’t have to accept things the way they are. You can fight for what you want so that you can live richly every day!


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