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Writer's pictureDr. Edna Jones Miller

Blow It Off

I was scrolling through my news feed, and I ran across a horrific story of a local, 34-year-old military veteran who was shot and killed because he WALKED THROUGH A GROUP OF PEOPLE! The shooter felt disrespected and shot him! GRRRR!!!! Like me, you’re probably thinking about how anyone could be so thoughtless and out of control!

There’s no shortage of stories like this and other news that can literally make your blood boil. It’s quite likely that there’s an abundance of issues and problems that you encounter That’s a part of life...but personal wholeness produces abundant living despite your circumstance.

In a moment of frustration, I’m sure complaining feels real good! LOL It’s natural (and okay) to healthily “blow off a lil’ steam”, but the key is to blow it off, not to blow it up!

Start with thankfulness.

I’ve learned that thankfulness will drown out your sour mood and pessimistic thinking. It’ll make you shift your thoughts from your pain points to your praise points with a renewed perspective around what really matters.

As I sat in my quiet time today, I started thinking about what I was grateful for and the tears began to flow. When I think about the horrible things that could be but aren’t, that’s enough to be grateful. When I think about the wonderful things that are but probably wouldn’t be for one reason or another, that’s more than enough to become overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude!

Let me be clear: I am no stranger to loss, hard times, and life-shattering disappointments. (You can read my previous blogs to get a sense of what I mean.)

Still...I believe that ultimately, it’s your choice. You can sit and sulk in misery (over what’s beyond your control anyway) OR you can reposition yourself to identify at least ONE good thing in your life to build your strength upon (even if it’s as simple as the breath you’re breathing).

You’ve got to start somewhere. So, in everything, give thanks as a starting point to live richly every day.

Thank you in advance for liking, sharing, and subscribing to this blog to encourage others in their walk to achieve personal wholeness and total well-being!


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