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Writer's pictureDr. Edna Jones Miller

Toes in the Sand

I stopped eating lunch in the cafeteria in middle school because one person made a humiliating comment. I used to be ashamed of my toes and stopped wearing open-toe shoes in public from seventh grade until my sophomore year in college because one person made an embarrassing comment. I started wearing baggy clothes because I was shuttered by the “cat calls” about my physical features. I have so many examples of my denigrated self-esteem that was largely impacted by my (unhealthy) high regard for other people’s opinions.

Since my early years, it’s been quite a journey toward personal wholeness to conquer self-consciousness, and I must admit that the “care-too-much-about-what-people-think” syndrome often tries to rear its ugly head.

I know what it’s like to work so hard for so long and to still feel unworthy or inadequate.

I understand how you can try to humbly refuse attention garnered by your magnificence because you’re wondering about whether or not you can “live up to the hype” or others’ (perceived) expectations of you. After burying my toes in the sand for so long (literally and figuratively), I was fed up and my prayer is that you will find the strength and courage to overcome too!

When you come into the full knowledge of who you are, it’s much easier for you to live authentically and to embrace your brilliance. Here’s what you’ve got to know about you:

  • You have been fearfully (with great reverence) and wonderfully (unique and set apart) made.

  • You are part of a chosen generation of royalty that has been specially created for a divine purpose.

  • Since before your birth, the plans for your life had already been established and they include your everlasting hope, peace, safety, prosperity, and a bright future.

So what’s the secret to shattering the box that others try to put you in or breaking the self-inflicted bondage of other people’s opinions? It’s the methodical and intentional focus on inundating your mind with positive thoughts about YOU! Decide who you want to be, hone in on your self-awareness, and surround yourself with people (and knowledge, wisdom, information, etc.) who are in alignment with who you are.

A mentor(s) or coach may be your “someone” who will validate you, provide guidance, and offer words of wisdom and correction. I was taught that mentorship is a three-component process of up, across, and under. You should always have a mentor(s) who you can receive from (up), a peer who can walk alongside you (across), and someone who you can pour into (under).

When I finally "dusted off my toes", my first pair of open-toe shoes was a pair of peach wedges from Payless, and I wore them on my first date with my husband! LOL! Now is YOUR time to “dust off your toes”, renew your mind, identify an accountability partner, and get moving toward your purpose and destiny so that you can live richly every day!


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